Selasa, 28 Februari 2017

Crossword Puzzle


1. A preset format foe document or file
2. V2 and V3 of dig
3. Word used to ask reason behind  something
4. Blood color
5. Rubix  …
6. If someone asks you something, it is called a …
7. Synonym of holding
8. If something is broken, you … it
9. A foolish person
10. Liquid, solid, and …
11. A broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward
12. Synonym of puke
13. Process of decaying
14. Synonym of illegal drug

1. A tragedy is usually …
2. Someone who helps
3. Plural of bed
4. Beam of light
5. Tall building
6. King’s wife
7. Blurry
8. Place in a city where you can see animals
9. Having or showing an excessively high opinion of someone’s appearance
10. Synonym of road
11. Trash …
12. Synonym of horribly
13. Visiting some place

Learning from Nature

Learning from Nature

            The wondrous Mother Nature , our source of life, our savior. Now what is this, nature?  Nature is pretty much everything the earth produces, from landscapes, to fields in the countryside. Now what do we learn from nature? Well as you can see, the earth was green, the ocean was blue, the sky is not polluted, but now, as you can see things have changed, we have changed the earth 180 degrees, the fields are now factories, the sea is dirty from all the trash we threw away, and the sky is just full of smoke. These are what humans do, we destroy something we don’t need, but as you can see, nature does not do anything it keeps giving us things, from this we learn to not take anything for granted. so why not learn from nature?

            Now let’s see nature itself, mother nature symbolize harmony and peace, cause things in nature goes naturally in harmony, for instance, the circle of life, everything does their part, they are not complaining, all to keep the stability of nature, this somewhat represents our community, but people nowadays complain about things in their life, this is one thing we can learn from nature, to be in sync with everyone or simply to be friends with everyone, and believe we all do this for the same purpose for the good of everyone.

            Other thing we can learn philosophically, are animals. We all know animals adapt, they do this to survive nature, the weak will not go on, the one who adapts will. This can be seen in our daily lives, when we are facing a test in life, we have to adapt we have to see this problem in other points of view and face it instead of running away from it and give up.

            If the thing I said above sounds unrealistic for you let us talk about the facts. Nature gives us pretty much everything, from the clothes we wear to the house we live in. Now let us see the small things you might not even realize it is from nature. First, the oxygen we breath, well we gain oxygen from plants, where do plants come from? Well nature. Plants produce oxygen, we produce carbon dioxide, we have this mutual relationship with plants, but well plants are starting to disappear nowadays this is our doing, without plants one day we are going to suffocate without air, and most probably we would die, so let’s start planting, and less destroying. Second, our clothes yes that is right, we get our clothes from sheep, silk worms, and plants, also from cows if you wear leather, we are taking advantage of these things, we treat them horribly, but they are always there for us. Third, Paper, paper comes from trees, which we take down every single day, and if we keep wasting paper, there will be less trees, and with less trees, there will be less oxygen, then, Glass, glass comes from heated sand believe it or not, and we just keep taking them and making them into glass. Now you might already know nature gives us these stuff, like Petrol, gold, fossil fuel, etc. Now these things cannot be produced by us which means we will eventually run out of these things, but we keep going, taking everything from nature.

            In conclusion we learn a lot from nature, and nature gives a lot to us, so why not once give it back and do some good to nature who gives us lots of things and if you still think this is not the right thing to do, think about the things you will get without nature, you will suffer, so let us give something back to nature for the good of everyone.